Wild Foods in Manitoba

My uncle always brings interesting wild foods to family dinners. Black morel mushrooms are his favourite to bring, as they are harder to find, and also very tasty. They can be found in many forests throughout Manitoba, but they can be difficult to spot. According to my uncle, he has had the most success finding them in mid to late spring. He has only ever picked them near Dauphin, but apparently they can be found all over if you look close enough.

Whenever my uncle can find enough to feed a family, he picks them and brings them over. There are many ways to prepare the mushrooms, however we usually simply cook them up in butter and sprinkle some spices on. There are so many things you can do with mushrooms in general, and morels are not much different. These just have so much more flavour than any of the ones you can buy in the store.

If you’re looking to find them, this is what they look like:


Image from: https://nature.mdc.mo.gov/discover-nature/field-guide/black-more

You can follow the link below to see other wild mushrooms, as well as information to help identify them. There are also some interesting recipes that on this page. I’m definitely going to try the Asparagus and Morel linguine next time I have the chance. Enjoy!  http://naccmanitoba.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Wild-Mushroom-Booklet-1.pdf

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